SSTC Guest Policy
1. All members of this Club will be allowed to bring guests on the grounds, not to exceed:
ADULTS: 5 times per adult guest pass per season
All adult non-member guests are limited to 5 total visits each summer regardless of which member brings them. This includes spouses that are not members. All guests must be accompanied and registered by a member. Said guests must be personally registered by the sponsoring member, or special instructions should be left at the gate for their arrival. Guest fees will be charged all hours of pool operation. Guests are not free after 5:00 p.m. There will be no refunds on guest passes, even due to circumstances beyond our control.
CHILDREN (under 18): 5 times per month per season
All child non-member guests are limited to 5 total visits regardless of which member brings them. All guests must be accompanied and registered by a member. Said guests must be personally registered by the sponsoring member, or special instructions should be left at the gate for their arrival. Guest fees will be charged at all hours of pool operations. Guest fees will be charged all hours of pool operation. Guests are not free after 5:00 p.m. There will be no refunds on guest passes, even due to circumstances beyond our control.
2. Conduct of guests is the direct responsibility of the sponsoring member.
3. Special weekly rates will be charged to bona fide house-guest whose residence is 50 miles or more from the Club. The weekly rate will be $30. per person. House-guest privileges are in addition to regular monthly guest privilege limitations.
4. Any special rate consideration not covered herein, will be determined on an individual basis by, and subject to, prior approval of the Board of Directors.
5. No more than 10 guests at a time per family are permitted without one week’s notice and permission of the Manager. Any special parties should be scheduled with the Manager in advance. Members are expected to use good judgment in inviting guests. No large or unruly gatherings will be allowed. No parties allowed on Open House weekends.
6. A member may use the barbecue pit for special functions with pre-approval by the Manager. The member must remain in the picnic area at all times and notify the Manager when the party is complete. The fire will then be extinguished by management.